RoundTable: A.I., Creativity and Gamestorming (Online)

 Event Info 

Date & Times:Wednesday, March 31st 2021
4pm to 5pm
Location:Online Event
Expected Size:250 – 500
Ticket Cost:FREE
Target Audience:Ad Companies, Creatives, Developers, Indie Developers, Publishers, Students, Technical teams, Tool Providers
Event Type:Online Event
Featured Platforms:Android, Augmented Reality, Console, Handheld Console, iOS, PC, Virtual Reality, Wearables

Register now to watch this free panel discussion about AI and creativity, organised by with Ludo.

The PocketGamer.Biz RoundTables series is a new initiative, aimed at bridging the gap between the expert insight offered each day in PG.Biz articles and the awesome live experience of our PG Connects and PGC Digital conferences.

Every month we'll bring together four or five leading industry experts in a specific field to discuss a pertinent subject, hosted by the PG.Biz team. We'll broadcast the live event for free to everyone who signs up - who can also interact and ask questions - then we'll follow up with some key points in an article and at some point make the video available on our PG.Biz YouTube channel.

Session details
The latest entry in this series will take place in March 2021 with a discussion all about artificial intelligence in game development, in association with Ludo. This roundtable is also part of A.I. in gaming month on

In this exclusive RoundTable, our expert speakers will discuss how A.I. can be utilised in all aspects of game development, from concept creation to building your project and even creating graphics and music.

A.I. has been used in game development for decades, right back to the ghosts in Pac-Man. But has the industry really made enough use of AI in the development process, and will it do more going forward? A.I. can be implemented alongside tools that can aid development, even from a game's planning stages.

Ludo is an example of this - it's a tool that helps developers find their next great game idea when the creative juices are at a standstill. This panel will discuss the role A.I. may play in the future of creating games.


  • Gordon Midwood: CEO, Anything World!
  • Tom Pigott: CEO, Jet Play/Ludo
  • Dominique Busso: Founder & CEO,
  • John O'Malia: Director,
  • The panel will be moderated by Jon Jordan, contributing editor at

Special thanks to our partners: Ludo
Ludo is the AI tool revolutionising games creation by using machine learning and natural language processing to develop game concepts 24 hours a day and democratising games creation. Ludo is built on a database of close to a million games and is constantly learning and evolving. When asked to find a new game idea, based on intuitive keyword searches, Ludo returns almost immediately with multiple written game concepts, artwork and images. To find out more and try Ludo head to

More online: coming soon!
This is a great opportunity to see, for free, the kind of expert content that PocketGamer.Biz regularly brings together at the Pocket Gamer Connects Digital conferences. These full, five day events bring together speakers and panellists from around the world to share knowledge and insight, as well as provide great networking opportunities. The next one takes place in April 2021- more information and tickets available here!.

Meanwhile, every few weeks we'll share these standalone discussion RoundTables so you can gain valuable insight, and also discover the process of online panel discussions. Future themes will cover a range of timely and insightful topics - keep your eyes out for our next one!


Find out more information on RoundTable: A.I., Creativity and Gamestorming (Online)

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